Saturday, August 11, 2012

Fasting is a shield


Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: 
"Fasting is  a Shield"

Sahih Muslim : Book# 6  Hadith# 2565

Copywork: print or cursive

Meaning that just like in war a shield protects a soldier from being hit by  a sword a fast protects  a fasting person from doing bad deeds as he is constantly thinking of Allah and doesn't want to spoil his fast or reduce his ajr. So as a reminder of that to stop ypur self from doing something wrong you can say 
"As Siyamo Junnah!"

Lil Muallimah's Shield

Lil Muallim # 2's Shield


In previous years they have made their own out of paper plates and aluminium foil with their own hand drawn sword or design stuck on them. 

Lil muallim # 1 and Lil maullim # 2 had also made one as a cover for Fasting is a Shield booklet for our Ramadan lapbook some years ago. For this they had very patiently stick tiny pieces of aluminium foil one  by one around the design. Mashallah!

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